Popped an add in the Friday Trader to find a new home for Boris, our 4 year old Blue Heeler. It will be sad to leave him behind but we can't take him through the Australian Native Reserves we intend to visit so we have to find him a new home. Boris has been and is a beloved family pet so it will be really sad to see him go. We also have Rosie, Cassandra's cat to re-home before we go too.Not looking forward to it, at all.
Both Cassandra and I got our eyes tested today, I picked up Cassandra from school she was just finishing a spelling test, and earlier in the day had done a maths test (top of the class) so a day for tests then. Cassandra was prescribed glasses and i passed with good vision. So now another step closer to Australia. Still the Dental and Health checks to go. Save any hassles in Australia.
The kick off date for this is January the 15th 2007. So not long to go.Our start point will be Brisbane. We will be there for a few weeks to plan and buy what we need for the trip, then hopefully within a month we will hit the road heading down to NSW.
Just giving this thing a spin in preparation for a blog we will probally use on our Australia trip.The plan is to 4WD drive around Australia for a couple of years.The idea for the blog is to post what we are up too so friends family etc can keep in touch. Thats the plan.